What a Schatzki Ring?

A Schatzki ring is a thin mucosal membrane that forms a circumferential ring in the lower esophagus, just above the gastroesophageal junction. It is sometimes referred to as a Schatzki–Gary ring or a lower esophageal ring and the ring was named after Richard Schatzki, a radiologist who first described the condition in the early 20th century.

Schatzki rings are generally benign and asymptomatic, and do not typically cause any health problems. However, in some cases, they can cause difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) or chest pain. Larger rings can obstruct the esophagus resulting in food impaction and dysphagia. Dysphagia may also indicate that a Schatzki ring has become cancerous, which is a rare occurrence.

Schatzki rings are often found incidentally during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy or barium swallow exams. Treatment is usually not necessary, but in some cases, endoscopic dilation may be recommended to widen the esophageal ring and relieve symptoms.

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