Properties of Red Ruby Crystals
Physical Properties
Rubies are a gem quality, blood-red, clear variety of corundum. On the Mohs hardness scale, rubies rate a nine, which is almost as hard as diamonds. Rubies contain predominant amounts of aluminum oxide, with enough chromium to make the stone red. Stones that contain rutile needles in the stone are known as star rubies. Rubies have a trigonal crystalline shape. The stone is inert and conducts heat well. Rubies melt at 2040 degrees Centigrade.
Miners have discovered rubies in several U.S. locations including North Carolina, Alaska, California, Utah, Wyoming, Montana and Washington State. Large ruby mines exist in Siberia, Brazil, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar, Australia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Australia.
Industrial Properties
Rubies used in industry are grown in a laboratory rather than mined. Laboratory rubies contain fewer flaws than natural rubies and may be grown in very specific sizes as needed for use. This makes them perform more predictably when used in lasers. Industrial uses for rubies include in holographic cameras, for medical dermatological and tattoo-removal lasers, and for lasers boring through hard metals.
Metaphysical Healing Properties
Metaphysically, crystal workers use rubies to increase sexual energy and strengthen the body's immune system against infection. They employ them to strengthen the heart and the circulatory system when laid over the heart chakra, and to heal sexual issues when placed over the root and navel chakras. (A chakra is one of the body's seven major energy centers, according to Hindu belief.)
During the Middle Ages, people carried rubies to guard against the plague. Those who carried them believed that the stones turned darker when the plague was infectious and became lighter when conditions were safe.
Emotional and Spiritual Metaphysical Properties
Metaphysicians believe the ruby combines divine love and human passion, increasing all forms of love. It is said to provide courage, stamina and confidence to the possessor, allowing him to lead and motivate others. The person who possesses a ruby is believed to increase in power, strength, wealth, wisdom and integrity. It is claimed to encourage generosity and concern for others, and may bring romantic love and stirred passion to the wearer. Financially crystal workers believe that rubies assist the possessor to make wise financial decisions and follow her dreams to a successful conclusion.