How to Cleanse Stones for Emanates
Things You'll Need
- Sea salt
- Natural or fresh water
- Incense
- Smudge stick
The light of the moon is a preferred stone-cleansing method. Cleanse your stones by moonlight. Choose a moonlit night to cleanse your stones. Spread them out in a single layer where the reflection of light of the moon will bathe them. Leave them out overnight and retrieve them in the morning. Many people prefer to cleanse their stones when the moon is full, so the stones can absorb the optimum amount of energy.
Cleanse your stones with water. Locate a source of natural water without chemicals and additives. Choose a babbling brook, rushing river or natural spring to cleanse your stones. Wash them one by one in the natural water, picturing any impurities and negativity leaving the stones as you do so. Use bottled spring water as an alternative if you're not near a natural source of water.
Cleanse your stones with sea salt. Fill a pan or bowl with sea salt and bury your stones in the salt so they're completely covered. Leave the stones in the salt for 24 hours. Sea salt is believed to have a neutralizing effect against negativity, thereby cleansing your stones of any unwanted energy. Remove stones from the salt and rinse them in spring water to remove any residue. If you'd rather, create a mixture of sea salt and natural water. Ensure that the salt is completely dissolved and immerse your stones in the water for 24 hours, rinsing them with clear water when done. Realize that this method is not suitable for soft, porous or grainy stones.
Cleanse your stones with sunlight. There's nothing more energizing than the sun's rays, both for people and for stones. Find a quiet, sunny place and lay your stones in the direct sunlight. Allow them to remain there for the course of the day. Remove them just as the sun sets and return them to their usual place.
Cleanse your stones with smoke. Use a smudge stick or incense to create a smoke source. Pass your stones, one by one, through the smoke. Picture the negative energy leaving the stones. Imagine the stones being restored to their natural state, full of healing energy.