How to Make Your Own EMF Wave Neutralizer

We live in an electronic world, from the wiring in our walls to the power lines on our streets. Computers, appliances, and other devices all emit electromagnetic fields. Research beginning in the 1980s linked EMFs to ailments ranging from chronic fatigue to cancer. An update on the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences website concludes that although, as of Aug. 31, 2010, no evidence linked EMF exposure in the home to adult cancers, "the NIEHS recommends continued education on practical ways of reducing exposures to EMFs." You can easily reduce exposure by building your own EMF wave neutralizer.

Things You'll Need

  • Small salad bowl
  • Lamp cord
  • 15 watt lamp bulb
  • Electric drill with 1.25-inch bit
  • Himalayan salt
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    • 1

      Drill a hole in the salad bowl. Use your electric drill to put a 1.25 inch hole in the side of the salad bowl. Make the hole close to the base of your bowl but not so close that the cord prevents your bowl from sitting properly.

    • 2

      Thread the lamp cord through the hole. From the inside of your salad bowl, feed the wall plug end of the cord through the hole until you reach the bulb socket at the other end. Press the bulb socket into the hole until it's snug.

    • 3

      Screw in the bulb. Twist the bulb into the socket, rotating clockwise until it's snug.

    • 4

      Add the Himalayan salt. Carefully fill the salad bowl with Himalayan salt crystals without damaging or move the bulb.

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