How to Clear Quartz Crystals of Negative Energy

Crystals can be used for issues ranging from improving the atmosphere of your home to easing the pain of a cancer patient. Quartz crystals act like re-chargeable batteries, and can be charged, or programmed, for any use. If your crystals are seeing active duty -- whether it be on a desk, in a crystal grid, or on a person -- it is crucial that you clear them of the negative energy they will absorb. If you do not remove negative energy from crystals, they will not function properly as energy flow will be hindered or blocked altogether.

Things You'll Need

  • Medium-sized bowl
  • Spring or tap water
  • Salt (preferably sea salt)
  • Spoon
  • Lighter or matches
  • Fire-proof container (ashtray)
  • Smudge stick (palo santo wood or sage)
  • Timer or stopwatch (optional)
  • Hand towel
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  1. Prepare For The Cleansing

    • 1

      Protect yourself from absorbing the negative energy you are trying to expel. Take a moment, breathe deeply, and visualize yourself being surrounded in pure, white, protective light from the universe. Surrounding yourself in white light before energy work is similar to putting yourself in body armor before a physical confrontation.

    • 2

      Pick a flat surface, like a table, and fill the bowl half full of warm water. Add 1 tsp. of sea salt and stir slightly. It is thought by many energy workers that sea salt is stronger and more effective for cleansing than processed, iodized table salt because non-processed salt retains it's natural properties. However, if sea salt is unavailable, table salt is acceptable.

    • 3

      Gather the smudge stick, lighter and fire-proof container, and lay them out on the table for later use. You may want to place something underneath the ashtray/container, such as a towel, to prevent ashes from causing damage or staining.

    The Clearing

    • 4

      Hold a crystal in cupped hands, visualizing any lingering energies floating away as dark smoke. Affirm to yourself that all energies released will exit the area and be transmuted into light and love. As you mentally clear the crystals, say aloud: "The crystal is free and clear of any and all negative energy." Repeat this step with all of the crystals.

    • 5

      Light the smudge stick. Hold the unlit half of the smudge stick in one hand over the fire-proof container. With the other hand, pass each crystal through the smoke, making sure you have thoroughly smudged every side of the crystal (pay particular attention to any pointed edges). When you have finished, extinguish the smudge stick.

    • 6

      Place the crystals in the bowl of salted water. Soak the crystals for approximately 10 minutes, using a timer if you feel it's necessary. Take the crystals out of the water, drying each one individually. If the crystals are not being used immediately, wrap them in a white cloth to keep them clear while in storage.

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