Metaphysical Properties of Moldavite
Moldavite is known as a stone of communication, which coincides with its benefits for opening the throat chakra. It is particularly useful aiding in cooperation and energy transfers between extra-terrestrials and life forms on earth. Whether the messages are between humans or between aliens and humans, moldavite also helps clarify the meaning of those messages.
Spiritual & Psychic Development
Moldavite is one of the most beneficial gemstones for accelerating psychic awakening, the expansion of consciousness and spiritual growth and development. Moldavite empowers and enhances the gifts of all three of the upper or "spiritual" chakras, also known as energy wheels or centers -- the throat, or communication chakra, third-eye or intuition chakra and crown chakra, a person's connection with the divine and in this case, extra-terrestrial life forms as well. To find which of these chakras moldavite most benefits a person, hold it in the hand near the individual body's energy center and see which, if any, of these three chakra areas turn warm and flush.
Being such a high-energy stone, moldavite has been found helpful in achieving rapid breakthroughs in issues both the past and present. It helps in clearing unhelpful past patterns and in breaking through perceived limitations. Just as moldavite aids in inward spiritual evolution, it also aids in outward material transformation, associated with the closing of certain doors such as relationships or jobs and the opening of others. Anything that does not serve its holder's highest good is rapidly shed and replaced with the more evolved version of the same energy.
Because of this transformative quality of the stone, some people wear it around their necks to release negative patterns, old and outdated ways of thinking, bad habits or unresolved emotional pain and help attract and manifest positive changes in their lives with near magnetic precision.
Planetary Healing
Legend has it moldavite was the green, emerald-like stone found inside the Holy Grail and said to be a talisman for the healing of the planet. Those who believe moldavite is of extra-terrestrial origin hold a similar belief, that the planet requires new life forms in order to heal from all the damage done it in recent generations and moldavite helps those extra-terrestrial souls incarnating for the first time on earth to ground their energies here.