How to Cleanse with Moldavite
Things You'll Need
- Moldavite
Lie down flat and focus on the issue about which you are in need of cleansing. Do this while holding a piece of moldavite in your hand. This will help to tell the crystal what it needs to point its vibrational properties to the pain or disease.
Place the moldavite crystal on your forehead or throat, which links it to its respective chakras. Close your eyes and relax: let the crystal send its vibrations into your body.
Remove the crystal after about 20 minutes and sit up. Whatever areas you were having problems with will have felt warm sensations during the cleansing.
Cleanse your moldavite crystal, gently, by running it under some warm water, then placing it in a window where it will receive the glow of moonlight. Never cleanse moldavite with salt or any other harsh substance, as it is easily scratched.