How to Make the Candles That Draw Out Earwax
Things You'll Need
- 3/4 inch diameter wooden dowel cut to 9 inches long
- Sandpaper
- Olive oil
- Newspaper
- Old double boiler or sauce pan
- 3 to 4 oz. beeswax per candle
- Unbleached muslin strips 12 inches long by 2 inches wide
- Plastic wrap
Taper the end of the wood dowel to a point to shape the end of the ear candles into a cone. Sand smooth. Coat the dowel with a thin coat of olive oil.
Cover the work area with newspaper so wax doesn't damage your counter or table top.
Melt the wax in a small sauce pan or double boiler. When the wax is melted, add a small amount of olive oil to soften the wax and thin it out.
Dip a muslin strip into the wax and saturate it completely. Allow the excess wax to drip from the strip by holding it over the pan for a few seconds.
Wrap the wax-coated muslin around the dowel beginning at the tip. Leave a small part of the tip protruding so a hole will be created at the tip of the candle. Overlap the muslin by 1 inch on each pass. Wrap until you reach the end of the muslin, pressing the end into the candle to secure it.
Cool the wax slightly but not completely. Twist the candle gently to remove it from the dowel. Lay it on the plastic wrap to let it finish cooling.
Coat the dowel each time you create another candle. Store the candles in an airtight container until use.