How to Unclog Your Ears When Sick
Things You'll Need
- Extra person
- Large bowl
- Pillow
- Towel
- Scissors
- Paper plate
- Ear candles
- Lighter
Ask a friend to help you with the ear candling procedure. The fire makes it unsafe to use ear candles on your own ears without help.
Fill a large bowl with at least 3 inches of water. You will use the bowl of water during the ear candle procedure.
Lie on your side with your head resting comfortable on a pillow. Remove all flammable materials from your immediate surroundings.
Place a towel on your head to cover your hair and shoulders. This will protect your head against any wax or debris from the ear candles.
Cut a hole in the center of the paper plate using scissors. The hole should be just wide enough for the ear candle. Put the paper plate over the ear and slip the tapered end of the ear candle through the hole. The paper plate is also used to protect your ear from any candle wax or debris. The tapered end of the ear candle should be gently placed in your ear. Your assistant should hold the ear candle in a vertical position.
Have your assistant light the wide end of the ear candle. The flame will be large at first, but it will get smaller within a matter of seconds.
Have your assistant trim the top of the ear candle after 2 inches of the candle burns. Place the trimmed section in the bowl of water to extinguish any flames. Repeat this process for every 2 inches the candle burns. When there are only 4 inches of the ear candle left, your assistant will remove the candle from your ear and extinguish it in the bowl of water.
Repeat all steps, if you are using more than one ear candle. You can use up to four ear candles in each ear.