Candling Pros & Cons
Sinus Pressure
Meranda Thomas, an esthetician who performs ear candling at a wellness center and spa in Rochester, New York, says that candling draws toxins and impurities out of the ear canal and can loosen up blockages that cause sinus pressure.
Ear Problems
The website lists possible benefits of ear candling as relief of swimmer's ear and ear pain, reduction of ringing in the ear, reduced pain of a tear in the eardrum, and equalized pressure in the ear.
The FDA, however, expresses concerns that patients will fail to seek medical attention for conditions such as sinus ear infection, hearing loss, cancer, or TMJ disorders, instead thinking that they have a minor condition that ear candling can solve.
Another issue with candling is that candle wax was found in some patients’ ears after ear candling. In one case, a woman received a small perforation in the membrane of the ear and mild hearing loss. Even after a month, the patient’s hearing had not improved. This is one of the risks people should consider.
One manufacturer, Colonial Ear Candles, says that customers who used ear candles to treat children with ADD and ADHD have reported good results. The company takes care not to make claims about how truly beneficial the treatment is for this cause, but thinks the results may be related to the relaxing nature of the treatment. Some patients enjoy the process of feeling the warm smoke in the ear and listening to the crackling of the candle.
The website refers to claims that openings in the head are connected, allowing the vacuum that ear candling creates to drain the entire system as fluids move through the membranes of the ear. The website, which provides advice to those seeking alternative wellness methods, recommends ear candling as a natural ways of reducing minor problems related to to ear or headaches. AltMD also believes that people who have had ear candling may experience improved lymphatic flow. The lymph system cleanses the body of toxins.
A study conducted by Spokane Ear Nose and Throat Clinic, however, showed that ear candling did not create negative pressure in the ear canal that could remove ear wax and toxins.
FDA Warnings
FDA warms that children, including babies, are at high risk for complication from ear candles. Small ear canal size means that wax from the candle could easily plug the ear canal. Also, since children move around a lot, they are more likely to be burned by falling ash and hot melted wax.
In February 2010, the FDA issued warnings to three manufactures of ear candles citing lack of approval of the product, lack of registration of the manufacturing facilities, and absence of a reporting system for complications with ear candles.