How Safe Are Ear Wax Removal Candles?

Ear wax removal candles are an alternative health remedy for excess ear wax. The candles are pieces of cloth or paper that are coated with paraffin wax. The candle is inserted into the ear and burned in order to draw out ear wax.
  1. How Ear Candles Work

    • Ear wax candles are hollow, leaving a narrow tube for the ear wax to collect. As the candle is burned, the candle is said to create a vacuum that draws out ear wax.


    • Many people who have used ear candles have been burned by the hot wax. Occasionally it has caused ear damage when wax dripped into the ear canal.


    • Burning an ear candle cannot produce a vacuum, and ear wax removal candles have never been shown to remove any ear wax.

    Legal Information

    • The FDA has rules that ear candles are not beneficial for any medical purpose. In the U.S., it is illegal to sell an ear candle that is packaged with any medical claims.

    Illegal in Canada

    • Ear candles are illegal in Canada because of the danger of burning wax so close to the ear.

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