How to Clean Ears With Candle Wax
Ear Candling Preparation
Wash your hands to guard against bacteria or germs.
Position the patient so he is lying on his side and cover his hair, face and clothing with a cloth around the area of the ear. A pillow may be used to prop the head up slightly.
Trim the tapered end of the candle with a scissors so that it fits appropriately in the ear. Since the candle will likely bend out of shape from the cutting action, return the tapered end to its original shape by using your fingers to push it back into a circle.
Cut an "X" in the center of the plate and push the candle through the X, so that the tapered end (the end that goes into the ear) sticks out a few inches from the bottom. Most of the candle will be on the other side of the plate.
Light the candle at the large end and place your finger over the tapered end for approximately 30 seconds to allow the heat and smoke to trap within. Once smoke is coming out of the tapered end of the candle, it is possible to place it within the ear.
The Candling Process
Insert the tapered end of the candle into the ear of the reclined patient. This should be done gently, and the fit should be snug. If smoke is coming out of the ear, it is not snug. Twist the candle gently into place. The plate functions as an additional barrier to protect the head and face.
Have the patient lie still and relaxed on his side while the candle burns down until it is 3 to 4 inches above the protective plate. It is possible to cut the large end of the candle and dispose of it as it turns to ash during the procedure.
Remove the candle and the plate guard without blowing out the flame. Put the candle flame out by putting it in a bowl of water.
After Candling
Wipe the inner surface of the outer ear with a moist towelette.
Rub glycerin on the inner surface of the outer ear.
Protect the ear from wind and debris with cotton or another type of earplug for at least one day. This allows the wax to regenerate in the ear.