Home Remedy for Ear Wax Removal

Ear wax can by annoying and sometimes painful. If you have a large build up it can cause hearing loss, itching and even a blockage. There are a number of home remedies out there for removing ear wax, some are fairly safe but some can be very dangerous. As with any home remedy, be cautious and if you are having severe problems it is always best to consult with a physician.
  1. Function

    • Ear wax does provide a valuable service. The glands in your ear canal produce wax to clean, moisten and protect your ear canal making it a self cleansing organ. Typically, it handles the job pretty well on its own and should not need any additional cleansing by you. If you find you are prone to excessive wax and have the need to clean your ears frequently, it is best to use a sea water ear spray which is very mild and efficient.


    • The safest home remedy for removing ear wax is the following method:
      Purchase paraffin oil or mineral oil at your local drugstore.
      Warm a few tablespoons over a lit candle to soften.
      Fill an eye dropper with the melted wax.
      Lie on one side with one ear on a towel.
      Drop a few drops from the eye dropper into the ear facing up.
      Remain still for about 5 minutes to allow the oily wax to penetrate into the ear and ear wax.
      Turn over to your other side, allowing the wax and oil to drain onto the towel.


    • After repeating the above process for a few days, the ear wax build up in your ears will be softened. Now it is time to flush and remove the softened wax. Warm a few tablespoons of water to just above body temperature; you do not want the water hot!
      Again, lying on your side, use your eyedropper or a bulb syringe to flush your ear with warm water. Turn over to the other side and allow the water and undissolved wax to fall into the towel. At this point you can rinse your ears with diluted apple cider vinegar to restore the natural pH.


    • Ear candling has become a popular home remedy for the removal of ear wax. Ear candles can be purchased at most health stores, but they are really dangerous and not recommended. The process involves placing the candle inside the ear canal, lighting the wick on the opposite end and as it burns it draws the wax from the ear. This process requires two people as the lit candle can very easily light hair and clothing on fire and the hot wax can be very harmful to your ear.


    • Do not ever use a cotton tip swab, hair pin, finger or other implement to remove wax from your ear. You will most likely push the wax further into the canal and compact it worse.

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