How to Candle Your Ear
Things You'll Need
- Dnner plate, tray, or paper plate
- Dampened cloth
- Dmall pillow
- Dish towel
- Ear candles
- Lighter
- Cotton swabs
- Cotton balls
- Hydrogen peroxide
Lay on your side with a pillow under your head. Have the person performing the ear candling lay a dishtowel over your hair and around your shoulder.
Take the paper plate and place a small hole in it. Place the plate with the hole over your ear. Put the tapered end of the candle into the hole in the plate and into the ear canal. Be sure that the candle is in a vertical position.
Light the large end of the candle with a lighter. Make sure that no smoke will escape.
Let the candle burn until it has reached about 2 inches from your ear. Do not let it burn any shorter, so that you will prevent yourself from getting burned. Have the person performing the ear candling extinguish the candle by putting it into a bowl of water. Do not blow it out.
Take a cotton swab and put a little bit of hydrogen peroxide on it and clean out the ear. Apply some ear oil to a cotton ball and let it sit in the ear for a few minutes to soothe.
Repeat Steps 1 through 5 for the other ear.