How to Help Balance and Equilibrium With Ear Candles
Things You'll Need
- Bowl of water
- Friend to help you with the procedure
- Ear candles
- Garlic oil
- Paper plate covered with aluminum foil
- Internet access
- Matches or lighter
- Cotton swabs and cotton balls
Gather all of your supplies (see the "Things You'll Need" section below). You and your assistant should carry the supplies to a room where you can lie down and be comfortable. Lie on your side with your head level and your ear facing up.
Put the foil covered paper plate under the candle, feeding the narrow end of the candle through the hole in the plate. Next, insert the small end of the candle into your ear canal.
Be sure to keep the candle straight and upright. Ask your partner to light the wide end of the candle and hold it until an inch burns down. Have him cut the wick while holding it over the bowl of water.
Repeat the process 3 more times.
Wipe out the external part of the ear canal using the cotton swab. Pour a few drops of garlic oil into the ear canal and put a cotton ball in place to keep any from leaking out. Stay in that position until the oil is absorbed.
Turn to the other side to repeat all steps with the other ear. Over the next few days, you'll notice if your balance and equilibrium have improved.
Visit the "Atlantis Rising" Web site to learn more about this technique (see Resources below).