What to Know About a Nuchal Cord?

What is a nuchal cord ?

A nuchal cord is an umbilical cord that encircles the baby's neck. It is a common condition, occurring in about 25% of all pregnancies. Most nuchal cords are not harmful and do not cause any problems for the baby. However, in rare cases, a nuchal cord can cause a condition called fetal compromise, which can lead to problems such as hypoxia( a condition where the body doesn't get enough oxygen) and acidosis( a condition where the body has too much acid).

What are the risks of a nuchal cord?

The risks of a nuchal cord are relatively low. However, the following risks are associated with a nuchal cord:

* Fetal compromise: A nuchal cord can wrap around the baby's neck and compress the umbilical cord, which can lead to fetal compromise. This can cause problems such as hypoxia and acidosis, which can be harmful to the baby.

* Stillbirth: In rare cases, a nuchal cord can cause stillbirth. This is because a nuchal cord can wrap around the baby's neck and tighten during labor, which can cut off the baby's oxygen supply.

* Cystic hygroma: A cystic hygroma is a fluid-filled sac on the back of the baby's neck. It is associated with a nuchal cord in about 5% of cases. Cystic hygromas are usually benign, but they can sometimes be associated with other problems, such as heart defects and chromosomal abnormalities.

How is a nuchal cord diagnosed?

A nuchal cord is usually diagnosed during an ultrasound exam. During an ultrasound, a sound transducer is used to create images of the baby in the womb. A nuchal cord can be seen as a string-like structure wrapped around the baby's neck.

How is a nuchal cord treated?

Most nuchal cords do not require treatment. However, treatment may be necessary if the nuchal cord is causing problems such as fetal compromise. When treatment is indicated, the doctor can perform one of the following:

Version: Version is a procedure in which the doctor uses their hands to turn the baby upside down in the womb. This can help to loosen the nuchal cord.

Amnioinfusion: Amnioinfusion is a procedure in which the doctor injects fluid into the amniotic sac. This can help to create more space in the womb and decrease the risk of the nuchal cord wrapping around the baby's neck.

Cesarean delivery: Cesarean delivery may be necessary if the nuchal cord is causing fetal compromise or if the baby is in a breech position.

How can I prevent a nuchal cord?

There is no sure way to prevent a nuchal cord. However, the following tips may help to reduce the risk:

* Get regular prenatal care: Prenatal care can help to identify any potential problems, including a nuchal cord.

* Avoid activities that increase the risk of a nuchal cord: These activities include smoking, drinking alcohol, and using illicit drugs.

* Eat a healthy diet: A healthy diet can help to ensure that the baby is getting the nutrients they need to grow and develop properly.

* Get enough rest: Getting enough rest can help to reduce stress and improve overall health, both of which can help to reduce the risk of a nuchal cord.

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