Ways to Rejuvenate Yourself in the Morning
Start With Exercise
One of the best ways to clear your mind and energize your body for the day is to engage in exercise. If at all possible, do this before doing anything else. Don't allow yourself to delay exercising. Try to go straight from bed into some light stretches, sit-ups, pushups or jumping jacks. If you are able to, go for a short walk or run. While you are walking, take sharp deep breaths through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. Leave all bad feelings behind you. Think positive thoughts as you refresh and awaken your body.
Personal Hygiene
After your exercise session, take a long shower or bath. Light incense sticks with the scents of peppermint or spearmint. These sharp aromatherapy scents will help you focus. Taking your time to enjoy the moments, use a loofa buff or back scrubber and gently exfoliate your skin. The movement across your skin will remove excess and dry skin while rejuvenating your senses as it tingles across your body.
Nourish the Body
Eating a good breakfast is essential to starting the day feeling nourished and rejuvenated. Your body will need a good breakfast after your exercise. Don't eat a heavy breakfast full of fried foods and butter that will tax your digestive system and make you sleepy by mid-day. Balance your meal with good proteins, such as lean turkey meat or vegetarian sources such as tofu, and add healthy carbs, like fruits. Make sure that you hydrate properly by drinking noncaffeinated tea or low-sugar natural juices. These will start you off calm and balanced instead of jittery. Remember to drink water afterward instead of sodas to keep caffeine and sugar energy spikes to a minimum as your day progresses.
Set Your Intention
Take five to 10 minutes to sit quietly and slow the world around you. Block out all thoughts of deadlines, problems, concerns or to-do lists. Just allow yourself to breathe, preferably in a quite space away from as many distractions as possible. Think about how good you feel and how clear, focused and rejuvenated your mind, body, and spirit are in this moment. Relish this time. Once you begin to feel calm and in control, slowly allow your thoughts to return to the things that you want to do and the ways you will achieve your day's goals without being overwhelmed. Set your intention to positive thoughts and maintain this feeling as you head out into your day.