What Is a Spiritual Aura?
What the Aura Does
The aura contains your energy field. When your emotional state is upbeat and positive, your aura extends beyond your physical body. When your emotions are heavy and negative, your aura hovers tightly around your body much like the shell of an egg. Your aura protects you from the negative energies of other people and places, much like the filter on your email program. You determine how well your filter works, mostly on an unconscious level. Your aura attracts energy when your levels are depleted.
Auric Layers
The seven layers of the aura correspond to the seven chakras, or energy systems in the body. The etheric layer lies closest to your physical body and governs your survival. It mirrors your physical body and often takes on a blue hue. Your emotional layer extends beyond the etheric layer and houses your emotional energy in a multi-colored blur of colors. The mental layer occupies the next space and holds your thoughts and mental processes in a blue or yellow field. Your spiritual body, also known as your astral body, extends outward to encompass the love your have for yourself and others. The spiritual body contains various hues, depending on how well connected your are to it. The etheric template body, celestial light body and ketheric layer comprise the three wisdom layers that align with divine truth, universal love and creativity.
Proving the Aura
Sensitive instruments, such as handheld biofeedback sensors and Kirlian cameras, detect the aura. In Kirlian photography, the camera captures and prints a picture of the person with the various layers of color exposed. People who can see and read auras see the colors and changes in the auric field in the same detail as the Kirlian camera. Some people don't see the auras, but can detect them with their hands, in much the same was as you detect a current of air or a layer of moisture on a table.
Using the Aura
Energy healers such as those who practice Reiki, therapeutic touch or energy medicine use the aura to detect and correct blockages and irregularities in the body. The aura appears muddy or constricted in areas where you have a physical or emotional problem. Shifting the energies and clearing the blockages can release the problem and allow you to move with more freedom and healthy energy.