Describe Two Ways in Which Heat Is Transported in the Biosphere
Heat Transport
When the sun heats the Earth's surface it radiates various amounts of thermal energy. Solar energy is responsible for creating weather patterns and climatic conditions throughout the world. Life forms that are present within the biosphere of the Earth receive heat when the sun radiates its energy to the surface. Solar energy produces wind and moves the currents of the ocean. Heat is also transported throughout the biosphere by wind and air currents that move heat from one location to another. Water currents are affected by wind patterns and they affect the biosphere by warming up temperatures on landmasses.
Solar Source
Living organisms within the biosphere need the sun's energy to provide fuel, which allows them to carry out various life activities. Only a small percentage (1 or 2 percent) of the sun's energy reaches the landmasses and hydrosphere of the Earth, and it is enough to sustain life on the planet. Thermal energy is also absorbed into the Earth's surface and it is radiated back into the biosphere where living organisms can take advantage of its benefits.
Organisms and Heat
Organisms naturally absorb solar heat and it affects their metabolic processes. Living creatures such as plants and plankton will convert solar heat and light into food, and humans use heat for various health benefits such as improving the immune system and repairing tissue cells. Plants and plankton are the foundation of food chains for all organisms, and when they are eaten they provide stored energy for their consumers. This energy is used for metabolic processes such as storing fat, building muscle and generating energy. Chemical reactions create heat during metabolic processes and organisms release this heat into the biosphere when these processes occur.
Trophic Transportation
Heat is also transferred through the biosphere through trophic levels. Producers (plants and plankton) make their own food, and when consumers devour them they obtain their stored thermal energy. Once a consumer devours a producer they then pass this stored energy into other creatures that eat them. This process continues until it reaches an organism known as a tertiary consumer, which is the top creature on a food chain. Trophic efficiency measures how much energy (heat) is passed on from one consumer to the next. Most of this energy is lost as it is passes from the bottom level of a food chain to its apex.