Metaphysical Properties of Azurite
Sacred Stone
Judy Hall, a natural healer and author of "The Encyclopedia of Crystals," explains that azurite serves as a means "to guide psychic development and increase metaphysical powers," and ranked among the ancient Egyptians' most preferred stones. Andrew Pacholyk writes on his Peaceful Mind website that the Maya "believed that azurite was able to connect them to higher wisdom" and served as a spirit guide. Other authors of New Age literature, such as Philip Permutt in his work "The Complete Guide to Crystal Chakra Healing," refer to azurite as "the stone of heaven."
Many New Age practitioners promote azurite as an aid to meditation. Hall praises its role in boosting individual consciousness, advising that it can help bring about "inner peace" and "provide mental healing at many levels." Pacholyk says the stone permits "deep access to the subconscious," while Permutt and others believe that azurite proves beneficial for the nervous system.
Clarity of mind is essential in good decision-making, and natural healers believe that many indecisive people find themselves unable to move forward from past mistakes and psychic wounds. Permutt says that azurite "promotes compassion and empathy, and helps you express feelings, thoughts and psychic information." Hall states that azurite draws "out emotional debris and ancient fears." Pacholyk recommends the stone as an aid in decision-making, and suggests keeping it nearby when faced with critical decisions.
Hall and other natural healers and metaphysical practitioners believe that azurite can aid in harnessing the creativity energy within you, and show you how to use that energy to express yourself. Working with azurite, proponents claim, also may give an artist a focused mind clear of self-imposed boundaries. Pacholyk, for example, says that azurite "stimulates creativity, giving access to a fountain of ideas, images and awareness of things around us."