How to Remove Energy Blockages
Things You'll Need
- Phone directory
- Community Education Catalog
- Directory of Complementary and Integrative Health Practitioners
Educate yourself. Energy medicine is a complex field, but beginning with some of the basics will help you more fully understand what constitutes an energy block and the various energy therapies available to help release it.
Familiarize yourself with some of the energy therapies. Begin with the ones you have heard about. Do not be overwhelmed by those you are not familiar with, since they all have as their aim the moving and balancing of energy. It is a big, complex field -- start small.
Trust your intuition. Are you drawn to some types of energy therapies more than others? Perhaps this is a good place to start. Many people are familiar with acupuncture and choose to start with that. Others prefer to begin by enrolling in a class on yoga, tai chi, qigong, or meditation. There are many options.
Learn about energy practitioners available in your community. Check out local directories of complementary and alternative practitioners, catalogs listing community education classes, or calendars of relevant events.
Check out available resources at your local library or bookstore, including CDs and DVDs. There is also a wealth of available information online, including very helpful videos on YouTube and elsewhere. These can offer a sampling of energy therapies to help you better determine what feels right for you.
Assess the nature of your energy blockage, especially as you learn more about energy medicine. Does it feel emotional in nature? Then you might want to consider finding a psychologist or counselor who specializes in energy medicine. Energy psychology is a growing area within energy medicine.
Recognize that energy medicine does not diagnose or treat illness or disease, but rather focuses on the energy fields that are out of balance. Integral to this approach is also the belief in the mind, body, and spirit as deeply interconnected.
Become more conscious of your body as an energy system. Energy medicine practitioners recognize multiple flows of energy in the body, including the more commonly known Chinese meridians and mapped acupuncture points, chakras, and auras. In total, energy medicine practitioners identify a total of nine energy systems.
Come to understand the importance of clearing energy blockages. Energy medicine maintains that energy blockages impede a person's maximum performance, with some blockages potentially becoming severe enough to result in an imbalance that creates illness.
Believe in your power to achieve optimal balance by releasing energy blockages. Stay conscious of known energy sources interacting with your energy system, remembering that even thoughts and words are energy. Work with energy medicine practitioners to assist you with this, as needed.