How to Heal With Infrared Light
Use an infrared light between 630 to 700 nanometers for superficial wounds, cuts, scars and skin infections. Use a handheld infrared light source within this spectrum range, and hold at least 3-inches away from your skin surface. Move the infrared light slowly over the problem areas for 30 minutes per day. Continue, until the tissue complication is resolved.
Use an infrared light between 800 to 1,000 nm to treat deep muscle injuries, joint pain, bone pain and organ pain, according to Elixa Peak Being. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Rehabilitation states this level of infrared helps support bone and tissue repair.
Treat an area of your body that is experiencing pain with infrared light measuring between 600 and 1,000 nm two times per week. Infrared light is shown to relax muscles, reduce nerve excitability and reduce inflammation caused by bursitis, arthritis and tendinitis. Use a handheld infrared light, which is available for purchase online and through medical supply retail stores.