Problems With Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT
Since Emotional Freedom Technique's (EFT) early development, numerous EFT tapping techniques have emerged and so it can be confusing when first getting started to know which approach to choose. There are many books and online resources to assist with this, including live demonstrations on certain websites and YouTube. These can be very helpful, but to ensure the best success, it is highly recommended to begin by finding a certified EFT tapping professional to work with. Many of EFT tapping practitioners also offer phone consultations and DVD instructional materials for those who prefer this approach. It's important to shop around and find a practitioner whose expertise best matches your needs.
In addition to being an informed consumer of EFT tapping techniques, it is also important to be very clear about your desired outcome. A common problem people encounter is not being specific enough about intention in the affirmations and visualization used to accompany the tapping. EFT professionals strongly recommend dividing one's goals into workable smaller pieces to encourage change at a more manageable pace. How the affirmations are stated is also important. They should always begin with a concise identification of the targeted issue and end with an affirming statement that everything will work out fine.
Tapping Techniques
EFT tapping is done on designated tapping points on the body. Most EFT tapping professionals recognize nine primary tapping points, though each may utilize these tapping points differently. Some have a prescribed progression of going from one point to another, while others will focus on particular ones more frequently found to be effective with specific issues. What works for each client is often determined through experimentation, so your success will be strongly connected to staying aware of what feels right and seems to be working. This includes developing an awareness of what intensity of tapping feels right, though tapping should never be done too hard. Some people prefer doing EFT tapping in a group for the support it offers, while others achieve better results working individually. There are many variables to take into consideration, but be patient and find the approach that works best for you.
Listening to Intuition
Experiencing success through EFT tapping obviously has a great deal to do with technique. However, learning to listen to your intuition through the process is also key. If you're not getting results, or feel stuck at a particular point, take some quiet time to reflect on how you might approach your goals differently. Are there other issues which need to be addressed first? Think of your issues like the layers of an onion and focus on dealing with one manageable layer at a time. Some find it helpful to maintain a journal to better track their progress.
People often turn to EFT tapping to deal with some very heavy emotional issues such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and other traumas. Particularly in these cases it is important to work with a trained professional. There are psychologists and counselors who have incorporated EFT tapping into their practices, or at least are familiar with it and willing to work with clients as issues are being brought forth and cleared. Also, it is important to remember, EFT tapping does not work for every person.