How to Rebalance Body Frequencies

You are an energy being and your body contains frequencies that keep your organs, systems and energy paths functioning appropriately. When the frequencies are out of balance, you feel sluggish, ill and like something is just wrong inside you. Rebalancing the frequencies brings your body back into proper functioning and improves your health and performance.

Crystals and tuning forks resonate at specific frequencies. They can entrain, or tune in, a body system through sympathetic resonation. The silica crystals found in each human cell will change vibration until it resonates at a healthy frequency.

Things You'll Need

  • Organ tuning forks
  • Striker
  • Crystals
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  1. Tuning Fork Rebalancing

    • 1

      Select the appropriate resonating tone for the body system out of balance or in pain. Manufacturers create tuning forks to match the specific frequency of each organ when healthy. Match the hertz of the tuning fork to the system you are balancing.

    • 2

      Strike two tuning forks of the correct frequency and hold them at points equidistant to the organ. Hold the tuning forks in place until they no longer vibrate.

    • 3

      Strike the tuning forks again and reposition them at the closest energy channel points to the organ and hold until they no longer vibrate.

    • 4

      Repeat the process with any other organ or system that is out of balance or in pain.

    • 5

      Pass two vibrating 528 Hz tuning forks over and around the body from head to toe. Allow the subject to lie quietly resting until she is ready to get up.

    Crystal Body Rebalancing

    • 6

      Select a crystal appropriate to the body system, organ or chakra that is out of balance. For example, rose quartz, malachite, watermelon tourmaline or rock crystal provide healing energy to the heart, lungs and thymus area. Place the crystal on the skin or clothing over the organ or system.

    • 7

      Hold the vision of great love and compassion for the subject and slowly build up an energy flow from your heart through your hands and over the crystal. Send energy until you feel the energy flow unrestricted through the local energy points around the organ or system.

    • 8

      Repeat the process for any other system or organ out of balance.

    • 9

      Laying a healing grid of red crystal over the root chakra, orange over the naval, yellow over the sacral, green or pink over the heart, blue over the throat, purple over the forehead and white or gold over the top of the head.

    • 10

      Check each crystal for unrestricted energy flow in that area. Send energy to balance the frequencies if energy flow is sluggish or blocked. Work each crystal until all of the energy centers flow smoothly and freely.

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