Vibrational Alignment Techniques
Things You'll Need
- Flat surface
- Yoga mat
- Large calender
- Notebook
- Black permanent marker with fine tip
Clear out Negative Emotions and Channel Positive Emotions
Spend 15 minutes three times a week giving yourself a pep talk. It doesn't have to be out loud. This helps you align your thoughts with your actions and goals.
Clear out any negative thoughts and negative energy. Replace negative thoughts by thinking more positively.
Spend time thinking about how you will feel when you accomplish your goals in life. Familiarize yourself with the same feeling that coincides with actually accomplishing your life goals.
Take Active Steps Toward Accomplishing Goals
Make a list of your goals in your notebook. Next to each goal, write a timeline of how long it will take you to accomplish this goal. Make sure to allow yourself enough time to reach each goal.
Transfer the goals you made in the notebook to a large calendar. Using the black permanent marker, write down each goal in each date box. Place the calendar in a place where you will see it every day.
Take active steps toward accomplishing your goals. This can be as easy as doing one task once a week to accomplish a goal or a number of steps over a period of a few weeks in order to accomplish a goal. Spend at least 30 minutes a day three times a week taking active steps toward achieving your goals. Mark off each day and each goal you accomplish. Once you see how often you accomplish a goal, the more motivation you manifest, which will help you stay on track for long-term success.
Practice Yoga Exercises
Sit flat on your mat with knees bent, so they are underneath your buttocks. Slowly shift your weight to the left and place the left leg underneath the right. The right leg should now be on top of the left leg. The ball of the left foot should be touching the right buttocks.
Extend the right arm and plant it firmly on the ground. Lift and extend the left arm toward the sky. Point and extend the fingers on the left hand.
Turn the body to the right, and bring the left arm down and clasp the right ankle. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side.