How to Energy Cleanse
Things You'll Need
- Quartz point crystals or wands
- White sage smudge sticks
- Abalone shell
The Energy Shower
Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Visualize yourself standing in a shower.
Visualize a white light above you shining on your body. Continue to breathe deeply. Imagine the light changing colors as it touches your skin, pulling the negative charges out of your body, and washing them down the drain of your shower.
Visualize the color of the light changing to gold. Imagine your body absorbing a healing, positive flow. Bask in the glow and feel it energize and replenish you. When you feel fully refreshed, turn off the flow and resume your day.
Tapping Into the Earth
Stand with your bare feet firmly on the ground. Visualize a tail stretching down from your tail bone and entering the ground, extending deep into the earth.
Breathe deeply. Draw in energy from the earth, through your feet and imagine it traveling through you. Visualize new energy flowing up the front of your body, taking negative charges down the back of your body.
Imagine the negative energy flowing down your tail and traveling deep into the earth where the negative charges are released and cleansed.
Continue drawing up negative energy, flowing it up and out the tail until all negative energy has been removed. Fill your body with new, positive energy.
Pull the tail up and slow the flow until your body returns to its normal energy state. Thank the earth for the cleansing. Resume your regular responsibilities.
Quartz Crystal Cleansing
Hold one quartz point or wand in your left hand and one in the right hand. Point the left wand toward your body. Lower the right wand down toward the ground away from your body.
Pull in energy through the left wand and feel it travel through your body, collecting negative charges.
Send the negative energy out through the right wand, dissipating the negative charges as they flow into the earth. Continue to pull energy in from the left and out through the right until your body feels free from negative energy.
Thank the crystals that supported your cleanse. Light your smudge stick and pass the crystals back and forth through the smoke. Put you smudge stick in an abalone shell. Allow it to continue to burn until it goes out. It will purify the room as it burns.