How to Increase Your Life Force Energy With Rife

In 1934, a scientist by the name of Royal Raymond Rife postulated that infectious organisms emitted a particular frequency, and by directing that same frequency back at the diseased area, he could destroy the disease and restore health. According to Rife, by using a Rife machine, life force energy can be manipulated to remove blockages and restore a healthy flow of energy in the body. The Rife method of frequency therapy is speculative, and as of 2010, no scientific studies have been conducted to definitively state if the Rife method provides any measurable health benefits.

Things You'll Need

  • Rife machine
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    • 1

      Program the Rife machine for your specific condition. The Rife machine should come with a manual containing a variety of programs for constant or varying frequencies.

    • 2

      Lie down. Do not sit, as this will block the free movement of energy through your body.

    • 3

      Hold the Rife machine contacts in your hands or place your bare feet on the contacts, depending on the type of Rife machine being used.

    • 4

      Turn on the Rife machine and allow the program to run. Depending on the condition, a program can run anywhere from 5 to 90 minutes. You may feel a slight tingling sensation, but it should not be painful.

    • 5

      Turn off the Rife machine once the program has run its course.

    • 6

      Drink plenty of water to flush out any toxins released due to the die off of infectious organisms.

    • 7

      Repeat this process several times a week until you see a marked improvement. Then, continue this process once a week until all symptoms have passed.

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