How to Release Aura From Your Body
Lie down or sit comfortably in a dimly lit, quiet environment. Make sure to locate yourself in a place that is free of loud noises, other people, or any other type of distraction.
Close your eyes, relaxing your eyelids. Breathe in deeply and exhale, bringing yourself into a meditative state.
Envision the outer layer of your aura as it surrounds your entire body. Do not focus too hard, as you should be able to sense the outer layer with ease. There are seven layers.
Envision the light-like surface in vibration while keeping your eyes closed and your mind focused on the outer layer of your aura. Start out small, envisioning small ripples in the surface of your aura, and work your way up until the aura vibrates visibly in your mind's eye.
Allow your aura to vibrate outward, as you mentally imagine the vibrating surface turning into outstretching rays. This is known as flexing and releasing your aura and it takes practice to get the technique down comfortably.