How do I Make an Orgone Disc?
Things You'll Need
- Silicone muffin pans
- Cooking spray
- Paper towels
- Quartz crystals
- Metal shavings
- Rubber gloves
- Polyester resin kit
- 2 cup measuring cup
Spray the inside of each silicone muffin pan well with cooking spray. Spread the spray in an even layer over the insides of the wells with a paper towel. This also mops up excess oil and prevents an oily finish on the orgone.
Place one or two small crystals in the bottom center of each muffin well. The crystals may be the size of a dime to the size of a half-dollar. They can also be long and skinny or round. Quartz is an all-purpose, easily charged crystal that works well in first-time orgone.
Put on protective gloves and pour about an ounce of resin for each orgone disc you plan to make into a measuring cup. Add the activator according to package directions or at a one to one ratio, mixing equal parts activator and resin from the kit. Stir the two together thoroughly with the wooden stick.
Pour about 1/2 ounce of metal shavings into the resin for every ounce of resin you mixed. For instance, if you mixed four ounces of resin, you need two ounces of metal shavings. Stir the shavings in slowly and thoroughly.
Pour enough resin-metal mix into each muffin well to just cover the crystals. As you pour, visualize intentions for healing and balancing energy flowing into the resin and infusing the metal and crystals. Allow the resin to harden in the sun for 48 hours.
Press on the bottom of each muffin well to release the orgone discs. Hold each one to your forehead, breathe out and concentrate on the specific intentions for the orgone. This finishes the charging.