How to Unblock the 2nd Chakra
Put up a picture, or have one on your computer or plasma screen, of a beautiful sunset or sunrise as the sun is near the horizon.
Close your eyes and visualize as the sun's warmth radiates in circles over the earth. Concentrate on the circles radiating from the bottom of your stomach through your genitals and your lower back.
Breathe in slowly, but deeply, and when you breathe out visualize the sun filling the upper part of your body with warmth and energy.
Try to visualize a star or moon that is connected to you spiritually. Let this astral body fill you when you breathe in. When you breathe out feel the body rise through you from the lower parts of your body up to your head. Take your time and really concentrate.
Start coming back to this plane by lifting yourself on your hands and knees and gently shaking your body side to side.
Write the words that you thought about during this exercise in bright orange. Orange is the color of this chakra. Meditate on the words. Lay down flat and try to relax each part of your body. When you are totally relaxed, assume the lotus position and contemplate on the words in orange. The lotus position is when you sit crossed-legged and your feet are placed on the thighs.
Repeat the chakra seed "Vam" over and over in a very quiet voice until you are hearing it in every part of your body without saying it. The chakra seeds are syllables used during meditation. Breathe in at the beginning of the word and breathe out at the end. Do all of this slowly and deliberately.