What Is the Origin of the Chakra System?
The chakra system comes from India between 1500 and 500 B.C. In the oldest writings, the Vedas, the word chakra means "wheel" in Sanskrit. It is spelled "cakra" but pronounced "chakra". According to Hindu tradition, the chakras are wheels of light or energy centers running along the spine up to the top of the head. Each chakra corresponds to a certain part or system of the body.
Stress, poor diet, illness, pollution and other outside influences often cause our bodies to become unbalanced and therefore unhealthy. The chakra system, made up of seven main chakra points, is connected to our body not just on a physical level, but on an emotional, spiritual and mental one as well. Therefore, if your emotions are in an upheaval, for example, then not only will your emotional being suffer, but the physical as well. Healing the chakra system heals the body as a whole.
The Seven Major Chakras
The seven major chakras are located along the spine and govern different organs, glands and nerves. Each chakra is linked to a color. Beginning at the bottom is the root chakra, located at the coccyx. Its color is red. Next comes the spleen/sacral chakra, in the lower abdomen, whose color is orange. Next is the solar plexus located around the stomach, under the rib cage, whose color is yellow. Following is the heart chakra, in the center of the chest. Its color is green. Then follows the throat chakra, located in the hollow of the throat, whose color is blue. Next is the brow/third eye chakra located between the eyes, whose color is indigo. Last is the crown, on top of the head, and its color is violet.
Healing the Chakra System
Energy comes in a variety of forms, and color is a form of vibrational energy. When looking to heal areas of the chakra system, healers often refer to the colors that correspond to each chakra and use crystals in those colors, reflexology, or reiki to heal these unbalanced areas. Even foods (yellow bananas, green salad, red apples) are healing. This is probably why we are always told to eat a "balanced" diet.
Other Ways to Heal the Chakras
Sunlight is an important form of healing energy. It contains the seven colors of the chakra wheel. Meditation, yoga, visualization, color bathing, aromatherapy and music are other varieties of healing practices to use. Choosing colors to wear to feed certain moods is also a part of chakra healing.