Bioptron Light Therapy
Light Therapy
The theory behind light therapy is that it uses energy derived from light to initiate biostimulation, which is the process of positively stimulating and enhancing biologic processes in living organisms. Bioptron AG claims that the polarized light emitted from its products has the ability to stimulate chain reactions at the cellular level, thus triggering responses that promote regenerative and reparative processes in the skin and body. Unlike tanning beds, which are reputed to be highly dangerous because they emit ultraviolet radiation, Bioptron products do not emit harmful ultraviolet light and are not intended for use as an artificial suntan device.
Intended Treatments
Bioptron AG claims its products are effective as an exclusive or complementary therapy for traditional treatment of exterior physical injuries and conditions such wounds, leg ulcers, pressure sores, acne, psoriasis, eczema, acne, infections (viral and bacterial) and oral conditions, such as gum disease, mouth ulcers and inflammation of the lips.
The company also claims efficacy of its products for pain treatments related to rheumatology (arthritis and osteoarthritis), physiotherapy (muscle pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and musculoskeletal injuries), and sports-type injuries (muscle tears, sprains, tendinitis, and dislocations).
Perhaps one of its most logical uses is for the treatment of seasonal affectation disorders (SAD), one of the major causes of which is believed to be the decline of exposure to sunlight during winter months, particularly in regions of the far northern hemisphere. Bioptron AG claims that its therapy can help treat the SAD-related imbalance of melatonin (also known as the "sleep hormone") and reduce its production by the body, while also treating related symptoms such as depression, weight gain, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Finally, Bioptron AG claims that its Light Therapy system can promote the enhancement of general well being by improving biological processes such as metabolism, microcirculation, and strengthening of the body's natural defense system.
Bioptron Light Therapy Products
Bioptron AG offers a line of Light Therapy products that are designed for ease of use and portability.
The Bioptron Compact III is a hand-held device that resembles a flashlight and is designed for home use. Its light filter is approximately four centimeters in diameter and comes with a traveling case and optional stand.
The Bioptron Pro I resembles a small table lamp and is designed for use at home or in treatment centers. Its light filter is approximately 11 centimeters in diameter and it comes with a dust cover and washable support mat.
The Bioptron 2 is designed for professional use and resembles a heavy duty flashlight that can be attached to a stand. Its light filter is approximately 15 centimeters in diameter.
Accessories such as stands and different color light filters are also available for purchase.