Chakra Cancer Cure
What Are Chakras?
Chakra is a conceptual system of wheels of energy that exist at various points along the human body. The chakras serve as the main entryways and exits for the transmission of energy, both negative and positive. There are seven major chakras, which are also called wheels of light or energy centers. People who practice New Age spirituality and Hinduism believe that chakras take in positive energies and dispose of negative energies, with an emphasis on the body's endocrine glands and lymphatic system. The seven major chakras are the crown chakra, the brow chakra, the throat chakra, the heart chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the sacral chakra, and the base chakra. Each chakra is connected to a different part of the body and in theory deals with different bodily functions and emotions depending on where it is located. For example, the heart chakra is related to the endocrine and immune system and is said to govern compassion and fear.
Chakras and Cancer
First, it must be emphasized that the existence of chakras has not been scientifically proven. As Robert Todd Carroll stated in "The Skeptic's Dictionary," "The alleged energy of the chakras is not scientifically measurable (...) and is at best a metaphysical chimera and at worst an anatomical falsehood." Any comment on the existence and use of chakras must be understood to be unproven and an exercise in faith. That said, some people assert that using the chakra system to heal the body has had positive results.
In her book "Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field," Barbara Brennan states that cancer can be detected and possibly even predicted by what is called a torn chakra, representing a part of the body that is spiritually damaged. Brannan writes that "a torn chakra... has appeared in every cancer patient I have ever seen... A chakra can be torn, and the cancer will not appear in the body for two or more years later...." Among those who place faith in the system, cancer is related to the corresponding chakra: brain tumors with the crown chakra; lung cancer with the throat and heart; breast cancer with the heart; stomach, liver, intestine and pancreatic cancer with the solar plexus; cancers of the cervix, ovaries, colon/rectum and uterus with the sacral; and prostate cancer with the sacral and base chakras.
How to Use Chakras
Even by simply understanding the chakra system, you may be able to bring healing to yourself. People refer to problems related to chakras all the time without even knowing it. The most popular chakra-related term is having a "broken heart." In the world of the chakra, this is actually possible, by having a torn heart chakra. This is also treatable, by acknowledging the problem with your heart and working on enhancing your positive emotions in connection to love and yourself.
Cyndi Dale's book "Advanced Chakra Healing: Cancer" stresses the need to look for the chakra-related causes of cancer. The afflicted person must seek which of the chakras is causing her particular cancer and then apply her attention to healing that part. There are many nuanced aspects of chakras that are best left to a trained professional, because different cases require different forms of emotional and spiritual treatment. Consult an energy specialist to learn which kind of treatment is right for you.