Qigong Self Healing
Morning Exercise
Begin your day with a Qigong workout. The morning workout includes exercise, self-massage and occasionally meditation. To find helpful information about correct practice times, visit the Jiulong Journal. jiulongjournal.com/2009/06/qigong-practice-times
See examples of exercises for your Qigong practice at Everyday Tai Chi. everyday-taichi.com/qigong-exercise-pictures.html#exercise
Focus on proper breathing for best results in your Qigong self-healing practice. Breathing should feel smooth and deep, allowing you to follow your breath with calm attention. Inhale deeply through the nose, reach down into your chest, and notice the breath as it moves up and out of your body, exhaling slowly through the mouth.
Qigong teaches the art of standing as a form of practicing posture, breathing and meditation. Kenneth Cohen, author of The Way of Qigong, says that Standing Meditation is a "million-dollar secret. It is a secret because it is so obvious, so ordinary that we do not give it the attention it deserves." Learn how to perform Standing Meditation here: touchoftao.com/taichistandingarticle.htm
Consider other forms of meditation to enhance your practice, such as Walking Meditation and the more traditional Qigong Meditation. Find more information for adopting a meditation practice by visiting The Wellness Directory of Minnesota. mnwelldir.org/docs/qigong/meditation.htm
Foods for Good Qi
Adopt a healthy diet to boost your good qi (energy) and compliment your exercise, meditation and breathing practices. A good qi diet includes fresh, seasonal foods and flavorful combinations. Avoid fried foods, refined carbohydrates and dairy, and eat limited quantities of meat and seafood. An optimal Qigong diet, according to Kenneth S. Cohen, is 70 to 80 percent vegetarian, with the remaining foods consisting of fresh, organic meats or seafood.
Natural brewed tea is an important aspect of Qigong self-healing and can be taken daily with meditation or with meals.
The key elements of a Qigong diet are wholesomeness and balance.
Qigong self-massage is a valuable tool for self-healing and can be used to release toxins from the body and balance energy. Learn the basics of self-massage here: mnwelldir.org/docs/qigong/qigong3.htm