How to Improve Cardiac Output Through Breathing Exercises
Warm Up
Close your eyes, allowing yourself to relax. Forget all stresses of the day. Learn to let go, and put your mind into a total state of relaxation.
Allow your mind to wander, relax all the muscles throughout your body and forget all stresses. By entering this state of relaxation, you gently guide your body & heart to better health, triggering the subconscious mind.
Know that the subconscious mind activates during relaxation, and constitutes an indispensable component in re-programming your physical state.
Drift further away, proceeding deeper into your mind, settling in a relaxed, low-alpha/theta state.
Take a few deep breaths, through your nostrils, hold them for two to four seconds, then exhale. Allow your diaphragm, your lower abdominal cavity, above the groin, to expand as you inhale and while exhaling, release the air from that area. When exhaling, watch the diaphragm slowly deflate, like balloon, gradually expelling air from your body. Deep breathing from the diaphragm proves vital to the overall execution of this exercise, effectively facilitating enhanced cardiac strength and cardiovascular functioning.
Always inhale through the nose, and never through the mouth. Mouth breathing defeats the purpose of this exercise because it fails to penetrate your inner filtration system which cleanses your body and energy centers. Perform five to seven repetitions of deep breathing before breaking for another deep breathing set.
Repeat Steps 1 to 3 for about an hour, if possible, without any interruptions from your guided meditative breathing.
Take a two to five minute break periodically between reps throughout the hour session. During this break, use your mind to produce positive imaging. Imagination further enhances this exercise, as your mind perceives the physical hypertrophy of your heart while it happens. Connect your mind to this perception of the strengthening of your heart, further precipitating its hypertrophy. Envision your heart growing stronger, healthier, and developing more endurance with each step.
Feel the constant pulsation of your heart in your chest. As you notice this pulsation, envision a collage of collage of rainbow colors. Allow the colors of the light spectrum saturate and penetrate your heart. Notice the warm sensation of this feeling as it occurs. Use this feeling to imagine the cardiac region and muscular tissues surround it, strengthen itself as it contracts.
Guided Imagery and Detoxification
Feel the whole body becoming looser as you continue your imagery. Feel your breath removing all stresses throughout your body.
Feel the breath encompass your entire body. As you feel your breath transporting throughout the body, relax and assimilate this warm sensation with utter affection.
Feel the tickling sensation, as it stretches across every inch of your body, from your feet and legs, up to your brain. Feel this sensation encircle your head, from the upper tip of your spinal column near its posterior, to the front area between your eye brows.
As you feel this gentle tickle, allow your mind to envision removal of toxins, stored over many years from cumulative stress. As you allow the stress to further evaporate from your body, imagine every cell, organ and tissue, completely cleansed of toxins.