Sunlight Skin Therapy
This therapy has been successfully used to help sufferers of psoriasis. Sunlight therapy is mainly prescribed only for individuals with this and very similar skin conditions.
These sunlight treatments require persistence and consistency in order to provide the desired results. An even and balanced treatment plan is required for it to be most effective.
What is Sunlight Therapy
Sunlight skin therapy is when a doctor directs a patient to spend a very specific amount of time bathing in actual sunlight for the purpose of relieving the symptoms of the skin condition. A patient is typically advised to spend no more than 20 minutes sunbathing. It is important to wear sunscreen even while undergoing sunlight skin therapy. This is different from light therapy, which is performed in a very controlled environment under sun lamps.
Patients with psoriasis are put through many short sunlight therapy sessions to achieve the desired results.
Over-exposure to the sun can cause greater damage than was previously present for psoriasis sufferers. Therefore, it is important that the sunlight therapy is strictly regulated.
Improvement Time
Although the sunlight therapy is effective, it often takes weeks or months before individuals with psoriasis begin to really see and experience the improvement.
Regular visits to the dermatologist are necessary to monitor the progress and effectiveness of sunlight therapy treatments.