How to Combine Flower Essences
Flower essences work on the principle of energetic healing in which specific flowers are matched with specific symptoms in order to stimulate healing. Combining flower essences allows the flowers' energetic properties to work holistically by addressing multiple symptoms at once. Before combining, you will have completed a formal assessment for the person or animal in need, identifying the top five best single essences for the patient's symptoms. This list provides the foundation for the combinations you will create.Things You'll Need
- Flower essences Vodka or glycerin (as a preservative) Spring water Clean dropper bottle Bottle label
Choose three to five flower essences, based on the attributes of each flower essence and how closely these match with symptoms. Try to only use three, and avoid using more than five as this can affect the efficacy of the essence combination.
Prep the dropper bottle by filling it halfway with spring water and halfway with the preservative of choice--alcohol or glycerin. Glycerin is a suitable substitute for alcohol, but is very thick and will make dispensing more difficult.
Add seven drops of each essence to the dosage bottle. Close it tightly and agitate the mixture by shaking it gently or slapping it against your palm.
Secure a flower essences label to the dosage bottle with all information prefilled so that its contents are easily identifiable.
Dispense as you would a single essence.