Reiki Training
Reiki I
Reiki I training is often accompanied by a hands-on session in which students are invited to use certain hand positions and their knowledge of the Power Symbol---the first of six sacred symbols and the only symbol revealed at this juncture in training---to perform energy healing on one another.
Reiki II
In Reiki II, students continue to learn about Reiki's healing powers, and their knowledge is supplemented with two additional symbols---the Mental/Emotional Symbol and the Distant Healing Symbol.
ART (Advanced Reiki Training)
In ART, or Advanced Reiki Training, students receive the Soul Healing Symbol. In some traditions, this is the final and highest symbol, although in the Tibetan tradition there are two "extra" symbols bestowed during Master Level.
Master Level
Master Level training is the capstone of Reiki training, and bestows upon the recipient permission to attune others to the Reiki system. Students in a Master Level class receive the Tibetan version of the Soul Healing Symbol, as well as the Master Symbol.
Expert Insight
Reiki Masters, as with all Reiki students, are expected to uphold and honor the tradition, the teachings and the spirit of the healing system by doing no harm and only providing good with the knowledge they have achieved.