How to Improve Stamina With Herbs
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Ginseng
- Solomon's seal
- Huang Se
- Herbal licorice
- Atractylodes Lancea
Try ginseng. This popular herb comes in many different forms. The simplest will be a powder you mix with water or a pill. Either way, ginseng is a great addition to fight stamina problems. This herb is known to help improve circulation to the brain, which will help you stay active and alert.
Take Solomon’s Seal to help you after your have gone to bed. A small dosage of this herb has been known to help people go to bed easier and eliminate nervous exhaustion. Go to an herbal medicine shop and look for Solomon’s Seal by its scientific name, polygonum multiforum.
Find the popular Chinese herb Huang Se, if you find your stamina has been negatively affected by sickness. This herb has been known to combat influenza and colds. In addition, this herb is a great antioxidant, which is a bodily cleanser.
Begin taking the herbal version of licorice to improve your stamina through your digestive system. This powerful antioxidant has been known to put the digestive system back in order, which has been shown to improve your stamina. In addition, Chinese medicine doctors refer to licorice when hoping to detoxify a patient’s body.
Start taking Atractylodes Lancea, if your find your stamina is a result of hypertension. Many believe that this herb can lower blood pressure and, in turn, increase the user’s stamina. It may also help relieve nausea.