How to Balance the Crown Chakra
Things You'll Need
- White or violet gemstones
- Orange, white or violet colored items
- Orange or purple foods
- Cinnamon
- Jasmine
- Lemongrass
- Sandalwood
Use the colors violet or white to help bring back your spiritual connection. These two colors represent the crown chakra, and having gemstones such as amethyst or quartz in addition to colored decorations or blankets around helps straighten out your balance.
Have things that are colored orange around you if you think you have too much violet or white causing your imbalance. You'll know because instead of the symptoms previously mentioned, you'll over-think things and not pay much attention to your physical needs.
Eat orange foods or keep an amber gemstone with you until you feel balanced again with an over-active crown chakra. Eat foods that energize the crown chakra when it's under-active. This includes eggplant, black currants, beets or even purple broccoli.
Smell essential oils by either sniffing them from the bottle or putting them onto a diffuser to let the scent emanate through the room. Some oils to balance the crown chakra are cinnamon, jasmine, lemongrass, sandalwood or chamomile.