How to Achieve Inner Peace
Identify causes of stress in your life. Take some time to write down in a personal journal the various things in your life that cause stress; everything from work, to cooking dinner, to unloading the dishwasher should be included. It will help you get a good idea of where you are most stressed.
Set some time aside every day, even if just for five minutes, to meditate. Sit in a quiet place, put your hand on your heart and breath deeply. Clear all of stress and fatigue you have built up throughout the day.
Enjoy doing one thing at a time. Many people are overworked and too busy multi-tasking to see the abundance in their everyday lives. Focus on doing one thing instead of five and see how much more present and aware it makes you. Make yourself be fully immersed in any task you are doing and see how peaceful it feels.
Name your emotions instead of letting them just happen to you. Identify when you are feeling angry, stressed, tired, sad, happy, or indifferent. Give yourself the permission to feel whatever emotions you are having. Take the time out to talk to a trusted friend, spouse, or counselor if necessary to vent your emotions.
Analyze your spiritual or religious beliefs and really see if they correspond to what you really think. Suspend what you think you are supposed to believe. Really dig into your spiritual or religious teaching and examine it fully. Find a spiritual teaching (not necessarily a religion) that nurtures you and makes you feel comforted and loved to find true peace of mind.