How to Work with Spirit Guides
Go into a trance. Prepare for this experiment by finding a time and place where you can lie down comfortably for at least fifteen minutes without being disturbed. Lie on your back or, if that is uncomfortable for you, find the most relaxing sitting or reclining position that you can. Close your eyes and breathe deeply.
Prepare your body by relaxing as fully as possible. Guide your awareness through every part of your body in turn, starting with your toes. Focusing on each part of your body, inhale and visualize energy filling that area, then exhale and imagine any tension melting away. Proceed until your entire body is very relaxed.
Visualize yourself diving into a warm, comfortable lake of red water and swimming deeper and deeper down. You are able to breathe in the water, and you keep swimming deeper. As you swim deeper, you see that the water ahead of you is becoming orange, and you swim down towards the orange water, becoming more and more relaxed.
Repeat this process cycling through all the colors of the rainbow (that is, when you are in the orange water you see yellow water below you, and so on). Tell yourself often that you are going deeper and deeper and becoming more and more relaxed.
Arrive in an area where the water is dark purple or black. Visualize a door here, and realize that when you step through the door you will go to a place that is very comfortable and powerful for you. It could be any type of place that you like.
Step through the door, and use all your senses to explore the area for a few minutes.
Ask if there is anyone present who would like to talk to you. A guide could appear to be a person you know, a stranger, an animal or even a plant or any other form. Ask them questions about the topic you would like to learn about. If the answers aren't clear, you can ask for more detail. You can also ask to speak with someone else, which may or may not be successful, but can be worth a try if you aren't getting anything useful.
Thank your spirit guides. Reverse the visualization process by swimming up through all the layers of water that you swam down through, reminding yourself along the way that you are becoming more and more alert and energized as you return to your normal consciousness.
Open your eyes and move around. If you learned anything interesting, you may want to write it down, draw it, or use some other method to create a reminder or your experience.