How to Prepare for Energy Healing
Get proper rest. Eight hours rest is minimal the night before a day of energy healing. Improper rest zaps mental and physical energy needed for effective treatment.
Steer clear of processed foods. Eating nutritious foods (whole grains, fruits, vegetables) prior to your treatments will enable you to avoid being sluggish throughout the session. In addition, substances such as sugar and caffeine have been known to slow energy flow.
Remain focused throughout the day by meditating in the morning. Get in a relaxed position and focus on your breathing for 5 to 10 minutes the morning prior to your treatments. Next, visualize your heart as a glowing light, radiating and growing until it fills your entire body with healing energy. Complete your heart meditation after 15 to 20 minutes or until you feel the process is complete.
Perform some simple stretches to get your energy flowing. Stretching your muscles allows healing energy to flow more smoothly throughout the body. Check out the resource section for links to websites explaining some basic body stretches.
Center yourself by focusing on your patient before and throughout your treatment session. Before your treatment, stand behind your patient and clear your mind of all distractions. Keep your thoughts centered on the well being of your client by envisioning a loved one (of your client's) standing by them. Feel the love they have for your patient as you visualize looking into their eyes.