How to Enhance the Auditory Sense Through Meditation
Discover your preferred method of processing information by observing the way you think (words, feelings or pictures) and learn (by reading, lecture or doing). Taking note of such traits will provide insight into your preferred method of exploring the world around you.
Sit in a comfortable meditative position with your back straight and center yourself. Follow your breath. Close your eyes and feel your breath as it flows in and out of your body. Visualize a white light flowing down into your body through the crown of your head. Feel the white light fill you with a sense of security and well-being. Continue to meditate on the light for 10 to 15 minutes.
Focus on the inside of your body (various body parts and organs). If your preferred sense is vision, look at the parts you are focusing on. Likewise, for those tending to be tactile (touch) you may want to touch the parts you are focusing on.
Listen to the inside of your body. Use your preferred sense (see previous step) to get a good feel of your body during this exercise. For example, auditory processors can remain focused by listening to their breath or heartbeat.
Continue the auditory meditation by going outside and listening to all the sounds around you. Listen for the synchronicity of sounds that make up your surrounding world. Listen more closely. Some healers notice a high pitch shrill that was inaudible before performing this meditation.