How to Energize the Heart Chakra
Sit in a comfortable position and center yourself. Visualize energy being pulled up from the earth through your spine and spreading throughout your body. Next picture a beam of healing energy flowing down your head and through your body. When you feel the calm flow of energy, proceed to the next step.
Awaken the heart chakra by visualizing yourself sitting in a dense forest with your back against a tree. See the myriad shades of green being displayed by the leaves surrounding you. Breathe in this rich color imagining it filling and cleansing your heart chakra. Be aware of any emotions being released as you perform this meditation. Continue this exercise for 10 to 20 minutes until your chakra is cleared of all emotional trauma.
Stimulate the chakra points in your hands and feet. With your palms facing up, gently apply pressure to the area where the second phalanx (bone) of your thumb meets the metacarpal bone and begin massaging in a clockwise motion for about 15 seconds. Repeat this procedure with each foot locating the point where the first metatarsal bone meets the phalanx.
Practice your breathing. Sit in a comfortable position and concentrate on your natural breathing rhythm for about 5 minutes to quiet your mind. When you are ready, visualize your heart inside of a circle. With each breath, begin to expand the circle as if you were gently blowing up a balloon. When the circle reaches a size comfortable for you, imagine a person who has recently shown you love. Feel the wonderful emotions associated with this relationship as you return their love through your heart chakra. Complete the meditation by coming back to your natural rhythmic breathing and reducing the circle to its original size.
Try the "Ah" mantra exercise. Find a comfortable position and begin to intone the Ah mantra (pronounce as in "car"). Visualize your heart chakra surrounded with a circle of protection created by the previous exercise. When you are out of breath, inhale deeply and repeat the mantra finding a tone that resonates in the heart chakra.