How to Use Healing Touch to Relieve Headaches
Use a pain scale to assess your client's pain level before and after treatment. A simple number scale from 0 (no pain) to 10 (worst pain imaginable) will provide a subjective measure of relief.
Prepare for treatment by centering yourself and becoming in tune with your client. Stand behind your client and visualize energy being pulled up from the earth through your spine and spreading throughout your body. When you feel the calm flow of energy, proceed to the next step.
Begin by scanning your client's energy with the palms of your hands moving around their head, shoulders and down the outer ridges of their body. Try to sense where their energy field begins.
Check for pain spikes when treating migraines. These ridges in the energy field may extend 20 to 40 feet from the head and usually take 20 minutes to clear. Pain ridges may feel warm, hot, congested and sometimes cause a vibration or feeling of pain in the healer's hands. Diffuse the pain ridge by moving your hands through the edge of the spike. Slowly work your way towards the client's body until relief is felt.
Clear your client's tension headaches by brushing both hands down and away from the head and neck in smooth continuous movements until you relieve the pain. One common brushing method is to move the hands down and out as though you were drawing a Christmas tree.
Use the Pain Drain technique for persistent pain. Place your left hand on or over the head with your right held down and away from the body. Hold the position until your client feels relief or you feel the painful area free of congestion. Switch hands placing your right hand on or over the problem area with your left hand held in the air. Imagine healing energy flowing down the left and right arms and into the area of concern.
Treat sinus headaches by using the ultrasound technique directly over the sinus area. Hold your first two fingers and thumb together. Imagine a beam of healing energy flowing down the palm and through the fingers. Hold your opposite hand behind the head as you keep your top hand moving across the sinuses until you relieve the pain.
Reassess your client's energy field by rescanning your client and checking for unusual sensations (throbbing, pulsing, tingling and heat). The head should now feel like the rest of their energy field.
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