How to Use Healing Touch for Chakra Connection
Stand behind your client and center yourself. Visualize energy being pulled up from the earth through your spine and spreading throughout your body. When you feel the calm flow of energy, proceed to the next step.
Prepare for treatment by having your client lie on their back on a bed or massage table. Center your attention on your heart imagining a ball of light radiating from your heart up to your throat. Divide the light into two balls sending one to each shoulder and down the arms to your palms.
Begin by standing to the right of your client placing one hand on their right knee while the other gently holds their ankle. Maintain your hold for approximately one minute or until you feel the flow of energy between your hands.
Continue progressing from legs to head holding your hands on the following areas for one minute: right knee to hip, left ankle to knee, left knee to hip, both hips, root (area below groin) to abdomen (sacral center between belly button and groin), abdomen to solar plexus (between belly button and heart), solar plexus to spleen (below ribs on left side of body), solar plexus to heart, heart to high heart (between throat and heart), right wrist to elbow, right elbow to shoulder, left wrist to elbow, left elbow to shoulder, both shoulders, high heart to throat, throat to brow (forehead), brow to crown (top of head), crown to transverse point (area six to eight inches above the head).
Conclude the Chakra Spread by holding your client's feet and saying their name softly.
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