How to Use Healing Touch for Mind Clearing
Part One of Mind Clearing Technique
Stand behind your client and center yourself. Visualize energy being pulled up from the earth through your spine and spreading throughout your body. When you feel the calm flow of energy, proceed to the next step.
Begin by holding your fingers gently at the throat just above the sternum. As with all steps, hold the position for thirty seconds to one minute or until you feel the area of focus becoming filled with energy.
Continue the Mind Clearing procedure by placing a hand (fingers to the ceiling) on the back of the neck while three fingers of the other hand (palm comfortably sideways with fingers facing towards you) rest in the center of the client's forehead between the eyebrows.
Place both hands under the base of the skull where the back of the head meets the neck. Carefully and gently stretch the neck and hold for 10 to 30 seconds.
Part Two of Mind Clearing Technique
Cap the top of the head with both hands resting (fingers down) towards the back of the client's cranium. Your thumbs should be resting on the temples.
Rest three of your fingers on either side of the client's head just above the ears on the indentations of the skull.
Use four fingers of each hand to form a line on the inside of the eyebrows below the hairline peak.
Spread the fingers out to where they are now forming an inverted "V" from the outside of the eyebrows to the peak of the hairline.
Position your fingers on the jaw around the area where the joint separates when yawning.
Stroke across the forehead and down the cheeks meeting at the chin with both hands.
Cup the cheeks with your palms holding the jaw gently.
Conclude the Mind Clearing meditation by lightly touching your partner's shoulder or kissing their forehead (when appropriate).