How to Use Energy Healing to Overcome Addiction
Understand Your Energy Field
Know that your physical body is surrounded by a field of energy. This energy field consists of your aura and your 7 chakras.
Understand that ailments such as stress and addiction form energy blocks that are stored in the energy field.
Be aware that blocks in your energy field go on to manifest as diseases in the physical body.
Use energy healing to remove these energy blocks.
Understand Energy Healing
Think of energy healing as a non-invasive method of healing that focuses on the energy body. It is used to cure physical, emotional and mental disorders. It heals by cleansing the energy field, replenishing lost energy and activating new energy.
Understand that there are different types of energy healing methods. Among the most popular methods are Qi Gong, Therapeutic Touch, Reiki and Quantum Touch. Although the methods are different, any one of the forms may be used to overcome addiction.
Know what to expect at a healing session. Using a variety of hand motions, depending on the form of choice, the energy healer scans the energy field for energy blocks, removes them and channels more energy into the body.
Use Energy Healing to Overcome Addiction
Visit the American Holistic Health Association Web site to find a database of practitioners nationwide (see Resources below).
Call the practitioner to make an appointment. Find out what energy healing forms the practitioner uses and be sure that he is certified in all of them.
Discuss your reason for seeking treatment and verify that the practitioner has dealt with cases of addiction before. He should be able to offer suggestions for treatment based on your needs.
Find out what the cost of treatment will be. Many practitioners offer moderate prices for fixed session durations.
Arrive for your treatment ready to receive healing to overcome addiction. Any doubts you may have will lessen your experience of the treatment.
Learn more about energy healing at The Energy Medicine Institute (see Resources below).