What miracles did Saint Rose of Lima perform besides healing a women from leprosy?
1. Walking on Water: While walking from Lima, Peru, to the village of Quebrada, Rose crossed the Rimac River with her companions. Legend says that she suddenly told her companions to follow her and without hesitation, she stepped onto the river's surface. She walked across the water, leading her companions safely to the other side.
2. Multiplication of Food: On multiple occasions, Rose was known to multiply food to feed the poor and needy. Once, while distributing bread to the poor, she discovered there were only two loaves left in the basket. She prayed and miraculously, the bread multiplied enough to satisfy the hunger of everyone present.
3. Resurrection of the Dead: There are several stories about Rose raising the dead. One account mentions a young man who drowned in a well. His family called upon Rose for help. She prayed fervently, and to their amazement, the young man came back to life.
4. Healing the Sick: Aside from the well-known instance of healing a woman named Isabel Flores de Oliva from leprosy, Rose is said to have healed people from a variety of ailments. She is believed to have cured the blind, the deaf, and individuals with severe physical illnesses.
5. Visions and Divine Guidance: Rose experienced numerous mystical visions throughout her life. These included visions of Jesus, Mary, and various saints. She is also said to have had the gift of prophecy and could foresee events before they happened.
It's important to note that the validity and authenticity of these miracles have not been scientifically proven, and they remain part of the religious and spiritual traditions surrounding Saint Rose of Lima.